I arrived in Jacksonville Thurday night to visit my friend Jennifer Waller who I used to be roommates with in San Diego. She won a sales contest at her job which was a weekend in Orlando at the Gaylord Palms resort. And, she took me as her date! Thursday night we went out in Neptune Beach for dinner and drinks at the Lemon Bar right on the water. Friday we got pedicures and headed over to Orlando. Friday night her company had a cocktail hour and awards dinner at a very cool steak restaurant at the resort. We then went to a piano bar and closed that down. Saturday we went to the Mall Millenia which had the largest Macy's I had ever seen!!! Saturday night we had a great dinner (again paid for by Jen's company :-) at an Italian Bistro and then we were treated to a night out at Universal to see the Blue Man Group. It was a very strange show, but entertaining, I think. (I was confused as to what was going on the whole time).
I got to visit Emily, my sister, while I was there. We had lunch and then Em took me to the airport. My flight was delayed so I didn't get home until after midnight - but it was worth it. It was a fabulous weekend!! Thanks Waller!!!