As many of you already know everytime you talk to me I have some crazy story or something outragious to tell. Well today is no different. I am going to try something so stupid and yet so awesome at the same time. I am going to try out for the American Gladiators. My tryout is Saturday February 9th in Scottsdale Arizona. The tryout consists of several test to challenge my speed, strength and endurance. To qualify I have to do as many pullups as I can in 30 seconds, (24 was the old guide line) I have to run a 40 yard dash in 5 seconds or less, I have do a complete set of suicides in under 15 seconds, plus standing long jump and vertical jump. This is a sample of what I have to do. I am working out extremely hard and think I will be ok.
I have a friend Jen and she is going to try out with me. She works out a the Worlds Gym in Phoenix. She has a world famous personal trainer who has trained all sorts of sports stars and celebraties. Well "wolfe" fromt he american gladiators works out at the same gym. She go the low down from him about the contestants. Wolfe said "there aren't many strong guys that have come through." He said "most people can't do more than ten pullups." I am pretty pumped by that information. At this point I can do 20 pullups in a row. I think with some hardcore training I can be up to 25-30 in 30 seconds no problem. I will keep all of you updated as the time get closer.
Here is a link to check out the show. http://www.nbc.com/American_Gladiators/
Hey KP, a friend of mine, Val Waugaman is one of the Gladiators, Siren, she said that the girls are way more competitive than the guys, and they don't pick people on strength alone. Good luck, hope you get on and win some cash-money.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Keep us updated as often as you can!
WELL! Good luck Jeremy!
eyes about ta say...holy shit Kristin 25-30 pull-ups in 30 seconds. I was beginning to feel bad about myself. I was picturing you slamming some drink with way too much alcohol in one hand and pulling your drunk-ass up with the other while simultaneously taking pictures of yourself.
Jeremy-WOW... GOOD LUCK!! I can't wait for those pics!
Good luck on Saturday. Sounds like fun, if I wasn't such a fucking weakling, that would really interest me too.
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