Sunday, November 23, 2008

Holy Crap

This past week was the week from hell. It was the beginning of a normal work week. I was working hard all morning trying to make sales. Like clock work I went out to lunch with my good friend and boss Jerry. We spent our lunch break talking shop and how to make things better for the company. Everything was normal until 3:30 pm hit. The owner of the company walked into Jerry's office and fired him right on the spot. There was a lot of crying and screaming but it wasn't coming from Jerry, it was coming from the owner. About a half our later the owner walks into my office and tells me that he is reorganizing the company and wants me to be the person who oversees everything. I was blown away. I couldn't even udder a word. How can you fire Jerry? He is a really good man. Nothing made sense to me for the rest of the day. That night I didn't sleep a wink. I couldn't believe what just happened. I have always wanted the managers position, I've know that I could do a way better job than Jerry, but I never wanted to get the job if it meant hurting Jerry. After all he is my friend.
Tuesday came around and I met with the owner of the company for an early breakfast and he basically gave me my job description and told me to make good things happen. I was very tired, sad and excited all at the same time. I wasn't sure where to start or even what to do. I have only done sales for this company and now I have to manage it. Tuesday was a day that started with a meeting and ended with about six other meetings. I really didn't get anything done.
Wednesday through Friday I found myself only getting a few hours of sleep each night. Which made going into a new position even harder. Eventually I started to find my way around the company. Everyone welcomed me with open arms and they were all excited that I was managing. I put together a to-do list of about ten pages long and I am happy to say that after my first week as manager I got through my first half page. Holy crap there is so much to do.
I am very excited about the opportunity and I hope I am able to live up to the expectations of the owner of the company. He has set the bar very high for me. But, without a doubt I know I am up for the challenge.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Little Bees

Kristin and I are starting the whole process of getting ready for Olivia. This past week and weekend we started painting the walls, trim, and doors. I even added a chair rail around the room to make it more festive. We have been shopping all over town for nursery furniture and we finally decided on a set. We purchased everything last night and it should be delivered within a week. We also started our baby registry and let me tell you, we have no idea what we are doing. There is some much crap out there that you can buy. What do we need? What don't we need? Who knows? What happened to the good old days when you just had a baby and figured it out as you went. Now a days you have to have all this stuff. It blows my mind.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Party

Well we put together our first Halloween party here in Phoenix. Halloween is not that big of a deal out here. We didn't get a lot of kids trick or treating and no one really throws parties. It is strange for us because in Ohio there were hundreds of kids out Halloween night and everyone has a party.

Anyways, we did the house up old school with all the lights and decorations. We invited everyone we knew and hoped for the best. We had a ton of food and even more beer. My friend brought over his Rock Band video game for everyone to rock out on. We had corn hole in the side yard and in big camp fire in the back. We even had a best costume contest for the best costume. Our turn out was pretty good and everyone had a great time. Kristin was a cute candy corn witch and I was Lt. Dangle from the show Reno 911. Being Kristin is pregnant she felt out of place not having any beer in hand all night so we bought her a six pack of Nonalcoholic St. Pauly's Girl. Rock and Roll.

Needless to say our house was a disaster the next morning. We hired two cleaning ladies to come out to get the house ready for the Mom and Dad Pallotta to come out for a visit the very next day.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It has been decided

Wasting no time at all, as if Kristin and I ever do, we have decided on a name for our soon to be little girl. It took careful consideration and many hours of research to come up with the perfect name... who are we kidding? It didn't take much thought at all. So without further delay our daughters name will be Olivia Maria Oravec. Kristin already has a nick name pick out. She will be calling her either Liv or Livy. Awesome.